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  • 翻译人员:FireHare
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  • 适用版本:Symfony 2.1
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Symfony gives you a wide variety of ways to customize how a form is rendered. In this guide, you'll learn how to customize every possible part of your form with as little effort as possible whether you use Twig or PHP as your templating engine.



Form Rendering Basics 表单渲染基础

Recall that the label, error and HTML widget of a form field can easily be rendered by using the form_row Twig function or the row PHP helper method:


  1. {
    { form_row(form.age) }} 

You can also render each of the three parts of the field individually:


  1. <div> 
  2.     {
    { form_label(form.age) }} 
  3.     {
    { form_errors(form.age) }} 
  4.     {
    { form_widget(form.age) }} 
  5. </div> 

In both cases, the form label, errors and HTML widget are rendered by using a set of markup that ships standard with Symfony. For example, both of the above templates would render:


  1. <div> 
  2.     <label for="form_age">Age</label> 
  3.     <ul> 
  4.         <li>This field is required</li> 
  5.     </ul> 
  6.     <input type="number" id="form_age" name="form[age]" /> 
  7. </div> 

To quickly prototype and test a form, you can render the entire form with just one line:


  1. {
    { form_widget(form) }} 

The remainder of this recipe will explain how every part of the form's markup can be modified at several different levels. For more information about form rendering in general, see .



What are Form Themes? 什么是表单主题

Symfony uses form fragments - a small piece of a template that renders just one part of a form - to render every part of a form - - field labels, errors, input text fields, select tags, etc


The fragments are defined as blocks in Twig and as template files in PHP. 


A theme is nothing more than a set of fragments that you want to use when rendering a form. In other words, if you want to customize one portion of how a form is rendered, you'll import a theme which contains a customization of the appropriate form fragments.


Symfony comes with a default theme ( in Twig and FrameworkBundle:Form in PHP) that defines each and every fragment needed to render every part of a form.


In the next section you will learn how to customize a theme by overriding some or all of its fragments.


For example, when the widget of a integer type field is rendered, an input number field is generated


  1. {
    { form_widget(form.age) }} 



  1. <input type="number" id="form_age" name="form[age]" required="required" value="33" /> 

Internally, Symfony uses the integer_widget fragment to render the field. This is because the field type is integer and you're rendering its widget (as opposed to its label or errors).


In Twig that would default to the block integer_widget from the template.

Twig引擎将缺省从模板中取出inter_widget区块 。

In PHP it would rather be the integer_widget.html.php file located in FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/Form folder.


The default implementation of the integer_widget fragment looks like this:


  1. {# integer_widget.html.twig #} 
  2. {% block integer_widget %} 
  3.     {% set type=type|default('number') %} 
  4.     {
    { block('field_widget') }} 
  5. {% endblock integer_widget %} 

As you can see, this fragment itself renders another fragment - field_widget:


  1. {# FrameworkBundle/Resources/views/Form/field_widget.html.twig #} 
  2. {% block field_widget %} 
  3.     {% set type=type|default('text') %} 
  4.     <input type="{
    { type }}"
    { block('widget_attributes') }} value="{
    { value }}"
  5. {% endblock field_widget %} 

The point is, the fragments dictate the HTML output of each part of a form. To customize the form output, you just need to identify and override the correct fragment. A set of these form fragment customizations is known as a form "theme". When rendering a form, you can choose which form theme(s) you want to apply.


In Twig a theme is a single template file and the fragments are the blocks defined in this file.


In PHP a theme is a folder and the fragments are individual template files in this folder.



In this example, the customized fragment name is integer_widget because you want to override the HTML widget for all integer field types. If you need to customize textarea fields, you would customize textarea_widget.


As you can see, the fragment name is a combination of the field type and which part of the field is being rendered (e.g. widget, label, errors, row). As such, to customize how errors are rendered for just input text fields, you should customize the text_errors fragment.


More commonly, however, you'll want to customize how errors are displayed across all fields. You can do this by customizing the field_errors fragment. This takes advantage of field type inheritance. Specifically, since the text type extends from the field type, the form component will first look for the type-specific fragment (e.g. text_errors) before falling back to its parent fragment name if it doesn't exist (e.g. field_errors).


For more information on this topic, see .



Form Theming 表单主题

To see the power of form theming, suppose you want to wrap every input number field with a div tag. The key to doing this is to customize the integer_widget fragment.


Form Theming in Twig 表单主题(Twig格式)

When customizing the form field block in Twig, you have two options on where the customized form block can live:


Method 放置方式 Pros 优点 Cons 缺点
Inside the same template as the form
Quick and easy
Can't be reused in other templates
Inside a separate template
Can be reused by many templates
Requires an extra template to be created

Both methods have the same effect but are better in different situations.



Method 1: Inside the same Template as the Form

The easiest way to customize the integer_widget block is to customize it directly in the template that's actually rendering the form.


  1. {% extends '::base.html.twig' %} 
  3. {% form_theme form _self %} 
  5. {% block integer_widget %} 
  6.     <div class="integer_widget"> 
  7.         {% set type=type|default('number') %} 
  8.         {
    { block('field_widget') }} 
  9.     </div> 
  10. {% endblock %} 
  12. {% block content %} 
  13.     {# ... render the form #} 
  15.     {
    { form_row(form.age) }} 
  16. {% endblock %} 

 By using the special {% form_theme form _self %} tag, Twig looks inside the same template for any overridden form blocks. Assuming the form.age field is an integer type field, when its widget is rendered, the customized integer_widget block will be used.

通过使用特殊的{% form_theme form _self %}标签,Twig引擎可以在当前模板中覆写任意的表单区块。假定form.age域是一个整数类型的表单域,当它的小部件被渲染时,将使用定制的integer_widget区块。

The disadvantage of this method is that the customized form block can't be reused when rendering other forms in other templates. In other words, this method is most useful when making form customizations that are specific to a single form in your application. If you want to reuse a form customization across several (or all) forms in your application, read on to the next section.



Method 2: Inside a Separate Template

You can also choose to put the customized integer_widget form block in a separate template entirely. The code and end-result are the same, but you can now re-use the form customization across many templates:


  1. {# src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Form/fields.html.twig #} 
  2. {% block integer_widget %} 
  3.     <div class="integer_widget"> 
  4.         {% set type=type|default('number') %} 
  5.         {
    { block('field_widget') }} 
  6.     </div> 
  7. {% endblock %} 

Now that you've created the customized form block, you need to tell Symfony to use it. Inside the template where you're actually rendering your form, tell Symfony to use the template via the form_theme tag:


  1. {% form_theme form 'AcmeDemoBundle:Form:fields.html.twig' %} 
  3. {
    { form_widget(form.age) }} 

When the form.age widget is rendered, Symfony will use the integer_widget block from the new template and the input tag will be wrapped in the div element specified in the customized block.



Form Theming in PHP 表单主题(略)

When using PHP as a templating engine, the only method to customize a fragment is to create a new template file - this is similar to the second method used by Twig.

The template file must be named after the fragment. You must create a integer_widget.html.php file in order to customize the integer_widget fragment.

  1. <!-- src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Form/integer_widget.html.php --> 
  2. <div class="integer_widget"> 
  3.     <?php echo $view['form']->renderBlock('field_widget', array('type' => isset($type) ? $type : "number")) ?> 
  4. </div> 

Now that you've created the customized form template, you need to tell Symfony to use it. Inside the template where you're actually rendering your form, tell Symfony to use the theme via the setTheme helper method:

  1. <?php $view['form']->setTheme($form, array('AcmeDemoBundle:Form')) ;?> 
  3. <?php $view['form']->widget($form['age']) ?> 

When the form.age widget is rendered, Symfony will use the customized integer_widget.html.php template and the input tag will be wrapped in the div element.


Referencing Base Form Blocks (Twig specific)

So far, to override a particular form block, the best method is to copy the default block from , paste it into a different template, and then customize it. In many cases, you can avoid doing this by referencing the base block when customizing it.


This is easy to do, but varies slightly depending on if your form block customizations are in the same template as the form or a separate template.


Referencing Blocks from inside the same Template as the Form

Import the blocks by adding a use tag in the template where you're rendering the form:


  1. {% use 'form_div_layout.html.twig' with integer_widget as base_integer_widget %} 

Now, when the blocks from are imported, the integer_widget block is called base_integer_widget. This means that when you redefine the integer_widget block, you can reference the default markup via base_integer_widget:


  1. {% block integer_widget %} 
  2.     <div class="integer_widget"> 
  3.         {
    { block('base_integer_widget') }} 
  4.     </div> 
  5. {% endblock %} 

Referencing Base Blocks from an External Template

If your form customizations live inside an external template, you can reference the base block by using the parent() Twig function:


  1. {# src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Form/fields.html.twig #} 
  2. {% extends 'form_div_layout.html.twig' %} 
  4. {% block integer_widget %} 
  5.     <div class="integer_widget"> 
  6.         {
    { parent() }} 
  7.     </div> 
  8. {% endblock %} 

It is not possible to reference the base block when using PHP as the templating engine. You have to manually copy the content from the base block to your new template file.



Making Application-wide Customizations

If you'd like a certain form customization to be global to your application, you can accomplish this by making the form customizations in an external template and then importing it inside your application configuration:



By using the following configuration, any customized form blocks inside the AcmeDemoBundle:Form:fields.html.twig template will be used globally when a form is rendered.


  1. # app/config/config.yml 
  2. twig: 
  3.     form: 
  4.         resources: 
  5.             - 'AcmeDemoBundle:Form:fields.html.twig' 
  6.     # ... 

By default, Twig uses a div layout when rendering forms. Some people, however, may prefer to render forms in a table layout. Use the form_table_layout.html.twig resource to use such a layout:


  1. # app/config/config.yml 
  2. twig: 
  3.     form: 
  4.         resources: ['form_table_layout.html.twig'] 
  5.     # ... 

If you only want to make the change in one template, add the following line to your template file rather than adding the template as a resource:


  1. {% form_theme form 'form_table_layout.html.twig' %} 

Note that the form variable in the above code is the form view variable that you passed to your template.



By using the following configuration, any customized form fragments inside the src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/views/Form folder will be used globally when a form is rendered.

  1. # app/config/config.yml 
  2. framework: 
  3.     templating: 
  4.         form: 
  5.             resources: 
  6.                 - 'AcmeDemoBundle:Form' 
  7.     # ... 

By default, the PHP engine uses a div layout when rendering forms. Some people, however, may prefer to render forms in a table layout. Use the FrameworkBundle:FormTable resource to use such a layout:

  1. # app/config/config.yml 
  2. framework: 
  3.     templating: 
  4.         form: 
  5.             resources: 
  6.                 - 'FrameworkBundle:FormTable' 

If you only want to make the change in one template, add the following line to your template file rather than adding the template as a resource:

  1. <?php $view['form']->setTheme($form, array('FrameworkBundle:FormTable')); ?> 

Note that the $form variable in the above code is the form view variable that you passed to your template.


How to customize an Individual field

So far, you've seen the different ways you can customize the widget output of all text field types. You can also customize individual fields. For example, suppose you have two text fields - first_name and last_name - but you only want to customize one of the fields. This can be accomplished by customizing a fragment whose name is a combination of the field id attribute and which part of the field is being customized. For example:


  1. {% form_theme form _self %} 
  3. {% block _product_name_widget %} 
  4.     <div class="text_widget"> 
  5.         {
    { block('field_widget') }} 
  6.     </div> 
  7. {% endblock %} 
  9. {
    { form_widget(form.name) }} 

Here, the _product_name_widget fragment defines the template to use for the field whose id is product_name (and name is product[name]).


The product portion of the field is the form name, which may be set manually or generated automatically based on your form type name (e.g. ProductType equates to product). If you're not sure what your form name is, just view the source of your generated form.


You can also override the markup for an entire field row using the same method:


  1. {# _product_name_row.html.twig #} 
  2. {% form_theme form _self %} 
  4. {% block _product_name_row %} 
  5.     <div class="name_row"> 
  6.         {
    { form_label(form) }} 
  7.         {
    { form_errors(form) }} 
  8.         {
    { form_widget(form) }} 
  9.     </div> 
  10. {% endblock %} 


Other Common Customizations

So far, this recipe has shown you several different ways to customize a single piece of how a form is rendered. The key is to customize a specific fragment that corresponds to the portion of the form you want to control (see ).


In the next sections, you'll see how you can make several common form customizations. To apply these customizations, use one of the methods described in the section.


Customizing Error Output

The form component only handles how the validation errors are rendered, and not the actual validation error messages. The error messages themselves are determined by the validation constraints you apply to your objects. For more information, see the chapter on .

There are many different ways to customize how errors are rendered when a form is submitted with errors. The error messages for a field are rendered when you use the form_errors helper:


  1. {
    { form_errors(form.age) }} 

By default, the errors are rendered inside an unordered list:


  1. <ul> 
  2.     <li>This field is required</li> 
  3. </ul> 

To override how errors are rendered for all fields, simply copy, paste and customize the field_errors fragment.


  1. {# fields_errors.html.twig #} 
  2. {% block field_errors %} 
  3.     {% spaceless %} 
  4.         {% if errors|length > 0 %} 
  5.         <ul class="error_list"> 
  6.             {% for error in errors %} 
  7.                 <li>{
    { error.messageTemplate|trans(error.messageParameters, 'validators') }}</li> 
  8.             {% endfor %} 
  9.         </ul> 
  10.         {% endif %} 
  11.     {% endspaceless %} 
  12. {% endblock field_errors %} 
See for how to apply this customization.

You can also customize the error output for just one specific field type. For example, certain errors that are more global to your form (i.e. not specific to just one field) are rendered separately, usually at the top of your form:


  1. {
    { form_errors(form) }} 

To customize only the markup used for these errors, follow the same directions as above, but now call the block form_errors (Twig) / the file form_errors.html.php (PHP). Now, when errors for the form type are rendered, your customized fragment will be used instead of the default field_errors.


Customizing the "Form Row"

When you can manage it, the easiest way to render a form field is via the form_row function, which renders the label, errors and HTML widget of a field. To customize the markup used for rendering all form field rows, override the field_row fragment. For example, suppose you want to add a class to the div element around each row:


  1. {# field_row.html.twig #} 
  2. {% block field_row %} 
  3.     <div class="form_row"> 
  4.         {
    { form_label(form) }} 
  5.         {
    { form_errors(form) }} 
  6.         {
    { form_widget(form) }} 
  7.     </div> 
  8. {% endblock field_row %} 
See for how to apply this customization.

Adding a "Required" Asterisk to Field Labels

If you want to denote all of your required fields with a required asterisk (*), you can do this by customizing the field_label fragment.


In Twig, if you're making the form customization inside the same template as your form, modify the use tag and add the following:


  1. {% use 'form_div_layout.html.twig' with field_label as base_field_label %} 
  3. {% block field_label %} 
  4.     {
    { block('base_field_label') }} 
  6.     {% if required %} 
  7.         <span class="required" title="This field is required">*</span> 
  8.     {% endif %} 
  9. {% endblock %} 

In Twig, if you're making the form customization inside a separate template, use the following:


  1. {% extends 'form_div_layout.html.twig' %} 
  3. {% block field_label %} 
  4.     {
    { parent() }} 
  6.     {% if required %} 
  7.         <span class="required" title="This field is required">*</span> 
  8.     {% endif %} 
  9. {% endblock %} 

When using PHP as a templating engine you have to copy the content from the original template:


  1. <!-- field_label.html.php --> 
  3. <!-- original content --> 
  4. <label for="<?php echo $view->escape($id) ?>" <?php foreach($attr as $k => $v) { printf('%s="%s" ', $view->escape($k), $view->escape($v)); } ?>><?php echo $view->escape($view['translator']->trans($label)) ?></label> 
  6. <!-- customization --> 
  7. <?php if ($required) : ?> 
  8.     <span class="required" title="This field is required">*</span> 
  9. <?php endif ?> 
See for how to apply this customization.

Adding "help" messages

You can also customize your form widgets to have an optional "help" message. In Twig, If you're making the form customization inside the same template as your form, modify the use tag and add the following:


  1. {% use 'form_div_layout.html.twig' with field_widget as base_field_widget %} 
  3. {% block field_widget %} 
  4.     {
    { block('base_field_widget') }} 
  6.     {% if help is defined %} 
  7.         <span class="help">{
    { help }}</span> 
  8.     {% endif %} 
  9. {% endblock %} 

In twig, If you're making the form customization inside a separate template, use the following:


  1. {% extends 'form_div_layout.html.twig' %} 
  3. {% block field_widget %} 
  4.     {
    { parent() }} 
  6.     {% if help is defined %} 
  7.         <span class="help">{
    { help }}</span> 
  8.     {% endif %} 
  9. {% endblock %} 

When using PHP as a templating engine you have to copy the content from the original template:


  1. <!-- field_widget.html.php --> 
  3. <!-- Original content --> 
  4. <input 
  5.     type="<?php echo isset($type) ? $view->escape($type) : "text" ?>" 
  6.     value="<?php echo $view->escape($value) ?>" 
  7.     <?php echo $view['form']->renderBlock('attributes') ?> 
  8. /> 
  10. <!-- Customization --> 
  11. <?php if (isset($help)) : ?> 
  12.     <span class="help"><?php echo $view->escape($help) ?></span> 
  13. <?php endif ?> 

To render a help message below a field, pass in a help variable:


  1. {
    { form_widget(form.title, {'help': 'foobar'}) }} 
See for how to apply this customization.